Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The kurdish language Free Essay Example, 1250 words

On the other hand, the Dimili refer to the Badinadi speakers and their dialect as Xerewere (Boulden, 2008). The Kurdish grammar consists of numerous unusual features. For example, the Kurmanji dialect uses a sentence structure where the first part of the sentence is the subject which is then presided be an object and then the sentence’s verb. In addition, the pronouns (it, he, and she) in Kurmanji and Sorani, apply the same word, meaning that in Kurdish, there is no gender differentiation of the pronouns. In terms of case, there are generally no distinctions, even though some nouns possesses a vocative case. Syntax relations are identified predominantly by circumlocutions and prepositions. This results in a situation where in intransitive verbs, they subject is identified with personalized endings in every mood and sentence The Sorani dialect possesses eight vowels comprised of five long vowels and three short vowels which can be attributed to its retention of the Iranian vowels (o and e). In Persian however, the dialect adopts the vowels (i and u). In terms of consonants, the Kurdish language uses fricatives and affricates that are articulated at the dental, palatal, labial and velar points. We will write a custom essay sample on The kurdish language or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The points are classified into differing pairs of both voiced and voiceless varieties. Additionally, the language has numerous back sounds mostly pronounced in the pharyngeal, glottal and uvular regions, which is responsible to the rough-like sound that the dialects of the Kurdish language have. In terms of liquids, they consist of two lateral and two rhotics, which are the (l) and (r) like sounds. The (l) and (r) like sounds are also further differentiated, with the lateral sound having a kind of trill or rolled r, while the rhotic sound has a kind of flap. In terms of morphology, the definite suffix, adjectives and nouns are stressed on the last syllable. However when it come to the infinitive and conjugated verbs lacking prefixes, the stem’s last syllable is stressed. Generally, any prefix is stressed. The verbal system utilizes three core tenses-perfect, present imperfect and past. However the conjugation of the intransitive verbs differs from the transitive verbs which has ergativity, resulting in a situation where the compound verbs mix a verbal element with a nominal one. Additionally, nouns are identified with definiteness and number through suffixes, which is the same marker for adjectives, definite and indefinite nouns. Ethnology Moghissi argues that in terms of the dialect in the Kurdish language that is most widely spoken, it is Kurmanji, which has the most number of members.

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